PRP Tears – Drops Made Specifically for You
What are PRP Tears?
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is advanced regenerative therapy that has been used for over two decades in which a person’s own blood is used to heal, restore, or rejuvenate their body. The plasma contains high concentrations of platelets that secrete growth factors to accelerate healing by rapidly duplicating new healing cells to rebuild and restore damaged tissue.
PRP Tears, or eye drops made from your Platelet Rich Plasma, can be an effective pare of the treatment plan for patients with moderate to severe dry eye disease to heal and rejuvenate the surface of your eye.
By drawing a small amount of blood and spinning it in a centrifuge, it is possible to separate out these amazing healing platelets from the blood. The platelets are then mixed with an artificial tear to create a very concentrated eye drop solution.
These tears are enriched with many growth factors that are important to healing the surface of the eye and fighting dry eye disease and associated symptoms.
While the process of creating Serum Tears is similar to creating PRP Tears, PRP Tears contain a higher concentration of growth factors. It is the growth factors in PRP Tears that are thought to stimulate the growth of new surface cells and lead to faster healing of the surface of the eye.

Why don’t all providers offer PRP Tears?
One of the reasons PRP Tears are not commonly offered as a dry eye treatment to patients is the complexity in creating the drops. Because Pierre Alfred M.D.’s Dry Eye Center of Excellence is deeply committed to offering our patients the most effective and advanced dry eye treatments available, we have implemented the technology and technique so that it can be done efficiently. Within about 60 minutes, our patients leave with approximately a three month’s supply of PRP Tears.
Benefits of PRP Tears
- Enhanced and accelerated healing
- Improves Dry Eye Disease symptoms
- Reduces inflammation
- Reduces allergens present in the eye
- Helps restore surface of the eye
- Effective in treating eye ulcers
- No chemical components
- Preservative free
- Cost effective

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Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a candidate for PRP Tears:
Those with the following conditions:
- Moderate to severe dry eye
- Non-healing surface of eye defect
- Slow healing after refractive surgery
- Slow healing after corneal transplant
- Corneal ulcers or infections
- Chemical burns
- Corneal perforations
- Recurrent corneal erosion
- Salzmann’s Nodular Degeneration
- Filamentary keratitis
Why can’t I just use over-the-counter eye drops?
Many patients suffering with Dry Eye Disease have tried a variety of over-the-counter eye drops and have not found relief. While over-the-counter drops may temporarily mask the symptoms, they do not treat the root cause of dry eye. PRP Tears contain incredibly potent growth factors (Nerve Growth Factor, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Platelet Derived Growth Factor, and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Growth Factor) that work on a cellular level to provide healing and restoration of the surface of your eye.
Are PRP Tears the same as Serum Tears?
While the process of creating Serum Tears is similar to creating PRP Tears, PRP Tears contain a higher concentration of growth factors. It is the growth factors in PRP Tears that are thought to stimulate the growth of new surface cells and lead to faster healing of the surface of your eye.
What happens during the treatment?
A small amount of your blood is drawn here in our office, and your provider will perform the process of separating the plasma and mixing the drops. You will leave with your PRP Tears with detailed instructions.
Do I need to bring a driver with me?
No, your eyes will not be dilated and you will be able to drive yourself home and resume all normal activities.
How long do the drops last?
The supply usually lasts 1 to 3 months. The dosage and concentration will affect how long the drop supply lasts. Your doctor may advise a stronger concentration or a more frequent application of the drops depending on the severity of your condition.
There’s no need to suffer any longer!
Take the next step and call (978) 630-7047 or click below to request a dry eye evaluation with our experienced, qualified dry eye experts. Or take our free online dry eye self eval by clicking below!